Sunday, February 26, 2006

Magic Makers~

Whenever I watch these actresses, I am sucked into the story- I don't even realize I am watching an actress play a role. Vivian Leigh is Scarlett, Meryl Streep is Sophie. These women and their work reaches beyong simply aesthetically pleasing. It is like watching an athlete at the top of his game. What these women did and are doing with their art is legendary. We will keep watching these movies through the years, because there is just something about them...they reach some kind of truth that makes us walk away remembering the character and their story.
Sophie's Choice and Gone With The Wind are two of my favorite movies. I love to watch an actress when everything comes together and nothing could be improved upon. It is like they were born to do this.

I like Charlize Theron. I've read several of her interviews and she is a very brave and unique individual. Her story is really interesting and she seems to have a good heart. I never really noticed her as an actress until I saw Monster. Wow! That. Was. Awesome.
The movie itself is very dark and depressing. Its a true story and the movie really brings to light a perspective society in general never gets to see- the perspective of this woman, Aileen Wournos, who killed several people. It was a little perturbing to see this glamourous beautiful actress as Aileen Wournos. All I saw was Aileen Wournos and got to see inside this women's life, inner thoughts and feelings. You didn't just see Aileen from the outside in, but from the inside out. I left the movie feeling really sad for her.

Gwyneth Paltrow seems very smart. She seems to have a natural gift and instinct. I really liked Proof and Emma.

Is it mostly a natural, God given talent or alot of hard work that makes these artists so great at what they do?? Maybe a little of both, combined with a determined confidence that won't let them quit.
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